Dr. Alex Seiadatan
Centro Capilar Madrid, Injerto Capilar

One of the best ways to achieve that youthful look is with fuller, stronger eyebrows. As we age our eyebrows naturally thin so fuller eyebrows are an important indicator of youth.
Over the past few years, existence of eyebrow transplant procedures has highlighted the fact that they are now regularly undertaken worldwide – to enable recreation of normal and natural eyebrows following hair loss. This issue affects both men and women and our experience is that both genders seek information on the condition and undergo medical or surgical treatment.
One of the best ways to achieve that youthful look is with fuller, stronger eyebrows. As we age our eyebrows naturally thin so fuller eyebrows are an important indicator of youth.
Hair loss from eyebrows can occur for several reasons, mostly associated with one of the following:
Over plucking
Trauma such as accident or burn
Radiation therapy / chemotherapy
Trichotillomania; a self -inflicted, obsessive pulling / tugging of hairs
Systemic disease process
Technical advances in eyebrow transplant surgery allow partial or complete eyebrow loss to be successfully treated – from completely denuded (bare) brows to patchy or partial eyebrows; from eyebrow damage resulting from tattoos to missing sections of eyebrow due to scars.
Each brow will typically require 250-400 individual hairs to produce a natural appearance, depending on the existing hair and the eyebrow density required. The placement of the transplanted hairs needs to follow the angle and direction of naturally occurring eyebrow hair and thus requires very close spacing and a very flat angle to the skin.
Eyebrow restoration through hair transplant is a very delicate procedure: donor hairs are taken from the scalp and specialist skills are required to ensure hairs are placed correctly. The angle and direction for the placement of each hair follicle is created by needles, which are able to produce very fine incisions and thus minimise any scarring or damage to existing hairs. The whole procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and may produce some swelling and bruising afterwards; however, the procedure is essentially painless as is the recovery period.
The new hairs will initially fall out in around two weeks but will re-grow some 6-12 weeks later and will continue to grow for life. They need to be trimmed monthly to keep them perfectly manicured.
To create a partial brow will require 100 – 200 grafts
To create a full brow will require 200 – 400 grafts